

Known Issue Notice - November 23rd

2023-11-23 05:15

Hello Agents,

We would like to inform you of the known issues that were found in-game after the November 22nd maintenance.


  • Castle of Darkness Portal. When solo clearing the dungeon, the portal to transfer the player to the second stage of Gildal does not appear sometimes, and this happens occasionally when playing in crew as well.  
  • Castle of Darkness general bugs.  Some other known issues related to the dungeon have been also spotted, such as reviving teammates or inactivated effects.

While we look into this matter, we ask for more information, such as the time it occurred and your Client Log file to help determine the cause as quickly as possible. To find the log file, please follow these steps:

Closers folder → Log folder → CW_(date)_(time).log file (eg: CW_20201030_222408.log)


We apologize for any inconvenience caused and will do our best to fix these issues.


Thank you for your understanding!

You may send us an inquiry or an email to: with the information above or any other concern.